A global community and workshop series, helping you get to know your inner critic , reduce it’s volume & take back control.

“I thought the session was brilliant. The main learning point was hearing from (and being reassured by) the experiences of others. Better understanding the potential physical symptoms and thinking about how my inner critic operates means I think there will be a ‘tail’ of learning – as well as a lightbulb moment in the session.”

👉 Ever had the feeling that you’re not good enough?
👉 The thought that other people think you’re stupid?
👉 That it’s a matter of time until you’re “found out”?

Our inner critic is there to encourage us to play small; we all have one, in one form or another. Through self-doubt, self-sabotage, and imposter syndrome it tries to keep us well within our comfort zone and can make us feel really quite shit.

Our workshops, podcasts & community, are here to support you in recognising what your inner critic sounds like, when it shows up and how it makes you feel.

Through this awareness we can start to take back some of its power and experiment with techniques, resources, and tools to reduce its volume.

The relationship with our inner critic is lifelong, but how we manage that relationship is up to us.